welp, its week 4 and im up to 10mg. no sides at all, cept for like a week i had the worst acne imaginable on my face. better now, thank god. i had my bf taken yesterday, and it went up to 19%, very very strange. but my lean mass has increased by 14lbs, damn thats a buttload of muscle for a month bench has gone up by like 20lbs, leg press up around 40lbs .. just to name a few. im not really noticing a "leaner" look tho, which is disappointing. im dieting very strictly, weights 5 days a week, 1hr cardio 6 days. i do feel very hard tho. when she was taking the measurement, the water caliper was going all wacky, flucuating 1-2 points per measure before settling ... so i think im just really f'n bloated. anyway, this week im gonna start increasing my protein on low carb days and decreasing my carbs and hi carb days. also throwing in 20 mins of morning cardio and 20 mins later at night, after dinner. ill check in in another month