Metallic fillings are usually a mix of three metals. I believe that mercury is about 50% of the total. The American Dental Association doesn't believe that mercury fillings cause problems, and neither do most people in the dental profession. A good friend of mine who is bodybuilder and a dentist is adamant about this and pointed to a recent study that compared the cancer rate in dentists (most dentists usually have a level of mercury that is 3x that of a normal person) with the rest of the population. My response to him was that cancer is only one disease and that dentists have the highest suicide rate among the professions and that it would be almost impossible to do a study that took quality of life issues into account. We know 2 things: (1) mercury is poisonous and causes health problems, and (2) fillings are a source of mercury. . . that's all I need to know.
W/r/t the tuna/toxicity issue. . . . with some consumer items, (alcohol and cigarettes come to mind) the dangers are obvious and we assume the risk when we use them. In my opinion, with something like tuna, that shouldn't be the case. To me it was a basic item, much like milk and bread is for some people. Its like a slap in the face, trying to be healthy all these years and then finding out your toxic b/c of the healthy choices you thought you were making.