Exodus -- static "torture" stuff is no good because it fatigues you. You don't want to be unable to perform your upper days if you're pooped from some pushup death holds.
Yes, true. Thats why I leave it till the end of my workout. I also only do it on high energy days. If I don't wanna do it, I don't. Nothing is ever 'forced.' I like pain, but only when I want it.
Chris Benoit: Puking is not good. Its a sign of unhealthiness. I think it happens when the body cannot circulate enough blood to keep the muscles in the throat tight so the food doesn't come back up. The blood is needed in the legs so it goes there instead. But I have mad respect for anyone who excerts enough to do it. Props!!! I've never puked. Infact I 'hate' puking. Just the feel of it. For some reason I think I should be doing it. I've got every other disorder. I can remember getting the flu as a child. Whenever I was about to hurl I swallow at the 'exact' time. I timed it so perfectly I hardly ever puked.
slobberknocker: I guess you 'could' start all over again, with 'half' the energy might I add. Training at this time is about a useless as I could imagine, but the discipline is increadible.
A long time ago when my workouts were not up to par (most likely from overtraining or tiredness) I'd just keep drop setting by 5 lbs till I'm doing the same weight 10 times over and over and over. I would then do a muscle flush with a moderate weight at the end, not that it adds to anything. Once your that fatigued you can't get anymore pumped. Infact your pump decreases, you sometimes also get the shakes. I noticed this is effective for pain but I found I never got that sore the next day or for that matter gained any strength. I gave it up for that reason.
masochist - Hmmmmm. I never knew what it meant till today (looked it up.) I don't like the sound of it on the tongue. It sounds 'bad.' I'm not doing this to be or look bad at all. I like the term 'hard core' much better.