Why I am the way I am..
Chris Benoit:
I'd have to say squats and deadlifts are alot harder for me. But everyones different. I find I sweat more doing dumbell curls then benching. Hmmmm.
I understand your pain with the stationary bike. I've done some lactate threshold training at 94% MHR for one hour (warmup times not included) on the treadmill. You've got me beat here

I've never went over 194 bpm. Though my resting heart rate at the time was around 38-42 bpm, so this is about 5 times faster then it.
I've done the wall-sit and destroyed my hamstring tendons. I can no longer run anymore. Yes, I'm a wreck!

I can still bike and do the elliptical trainer, Yay!!! LOL
i'm sorry, but i still dont get this one....why would you see how long you can stay up just to do it?
This is very complex. Your asking me to explain why I am the way I am. I'll try..
Ever since I was young I've always liked a good challenge. For some reason I have this mindset that I 'must' do something physically torturing if I 'can' do it. Even once I do it I know I can always do better, and so my standard is perpetually escalating. That is until I wreck something. Then I stop, and find another thing to surpass in. I think its a disorder. I'm not sure what they call that but maybe I don't wanna know. Putting a lable on it will only exasperate my situation. When I found out I had severe orthorexia nervosa, I looked it up on the net. Sure enough I found information and only intensified the symptoms.
I also 'love' the challenge of fasting. Its so easy for me to do and when I do it I get this mental high (pride). It seems noone else has the intestinal fortitude to be able to go on for any 'lengthy' amount of time. So I've done 9.5 and 10.5 days on plain water. I am not proud of that though. I think I can do much better. People have done 30, 40 and 100 days on just water. I usually have to stop because my energy levels are too low for work. I keep thinking that if I reach a certain goal I will stop. Nope. Never happens!
My most crazy endeaver yet to be done (Yes, it gonna be stupid!): No food, no sleep, and the midsection may not touch a solid surface. So basically I have to stand the whole time. This rule leaves room for me to bike to work standing, as saying the feet must always touch the ground would not allow me to. This won't be too much of a problem since I refuse to sit all day at work anyways (add that to my disorder..) I think I can do at least 3 days standing. Sleep deprivation 4.5 - 6 days. No food - A month or more. Don't @#$% around. I'm serious! When I put my mind to something, I 'lock-on.' I actually can make myself 'believe' I don't wanna sit, sleep, or eat. The only thing 'trying' to hold me back is my body's natural instincts. And I've even got ways of fooling that!
As you can see I'm my favorite subject! LOL