Gymgurl said:
why is that? i didnt get hammered or anything, only bought 2 drinks the whole night.
GoldenDelicious said:
(not taking pics = sin

i dont have a camera phone.
gonelifting said:
Time and more outings will just improve your confidence along with everything else needed. Keep lifting and please dress well. Your confidence is key. good luck
thank you GL! I dressed quite well last night
jh1 said:
Wow... Good for you bro. Congrats.
I didn't recommend going on your own because your so green.
But if you're pulling that shit off and you walk away feeling good about it, then keep doing it.
IF this is the case, the only thing that held you back was your retarded parents backwards thinking.
Oh... and in the future... you don't have to buy any girl a drink just cause she asks, but don't start getting on her about how many she may or maynot have had.
Uncool. Let her drink. NOt your problem. The more she drink the better you are.
If you don't want them drunk, they're gonna think ur gay.
Which you might be.
yeah, i know i was just looking for an excuse not to buy her a drink. i was pretty sure she was just trying to pawn a drink off me. She didnt really pay me much attention at all earlier and then all of a sudden she wants me to buy her a drink.
KillahBee said:
not gonna read all that, but AWESOME job flying solo. those nights almost always turn out eventful.
also, don't EVER buy a girl a drink if she asks you to. fuck her, make her earn it. ask her to tell you a joke or a funny story or something interesting to EARN the drink. they'll respect you a LOT more in the end
thank you. yeah, im glad i didnt buy her one. i think i was a little hard on her though, basically said that she didnt seem like a friend so i couldnt buy her a drink. the 'earn it' thing sounds cool though, that way it doesnt feel like im paying her for her body
superdave said:
I would take this a step further and not even deal with any chick that asks a guy to buy her a drink at all. Smacks of entitlement and classless for a chick to ask that of a random guy. Of course in NYC club etiquette might be a little different than Texas.
well she knew a friend of mine, so it wasnt completely random, and supposedly her drink was stolen. but still, i felt like she was just trying to pawn it off me, because she didnt really say much to me before that.
jh1 said:
Guys have been buying girls drinks since the dawn of time bros. That shit is as old as prostitution - maybe even dirt.
No doubt it's a good idea to blow off some chica that is blatently fucking rude about it, but it's an entirely different thing to buy drinks for a girl that may be obviously sending those signals..
As long as buying them the drink will clearly be self serving, I see no real issues with that. If you knwo this chica is gonna use you for hte drink and bail - fuck no...
I recommend that Healother tell these bitchs that he has an 8ball of coke back at his house..
The thing is you never know if they will just use you for a drink though right? I mean cmon, how does someone deal with that? Also it still feels like prositution if they only pay you attention if you buy them a drink.
GoldenDelicious said:
conversation i had in a bar called the Victoria Hotel, aka home of the 3 toed wilder sloths aka local chicks - and yes, i drew it out like this
girl: and ill have 2 champagnes, thanks
(yes. thats what she said to golden, who she thought was her drink dispenser)
golden: what
girl: 2 champagnes!
golden: what do you mean, 2 champagnes? why dont you get your own?
girl: because youre a guy, and thats what guys do
golden: okay. you see, i got this thing about buying drinks for women
girl: (in response to my silence) what thing?
golden: i dont buy them drinks...until AFTER i fuck them
her jaw fell on the floor
2-3 minutes later she was trying to pole dance on my leg while sucking a lollie pop, telling me she gave the best head in town
"no thanks. not in the mood tonight"
best unrehearsed pwning ive ever delivered properly

THAT IS HILLARIOUS! I have to try that one sometime!
KillahBee said:
Have you realized the extreme power in the simple yet underestimated "you're just...not my type" line?!
omg, maing. priceless
thats a risky line though, cuz they could just walk away, right?
either way, like GD said, its worth a try
jon79 said:
i did the same friday and had a blast! thanks for the advice hr
thats where its at!
Smurfy said:
I said: "well, I dunno, are you my friend?"
^^^^Lamest line ever. Dont ever utter those words to anyone ever again. Totally geigh. You should have just told her "NO I'M NOT BUYING YOU A DRINK YOU DUMN SLUT". I guarantee she would have been all over your johnson for the remainder of the evening.
i agree, i really f***cked that whole thing up

but at least i didnt have to buy her a drink. next time i will use some of the responses that these guys are suggesting

it should go a lot better!
the response that u suggest though sounds really mean, lol. are you sure it would go over well? i dont want to hurt them.
Nathan said:
I like these threads when they have pictures in them. It's like reading a short comic book without any of the drawings.
i need to get a camera phone.
jackangel said:
how about "sorry, i only buy drinks for a 7 or above."
TC2 said:
"well I'll be your friend and dance with you if you buy me a drink"
fuckin typical prostitute.
I would've asked her straight up since your acting like a hooker lets skip the bullshit and you let me know how much cash you want to suck my cock.
agreed, she was being a prostitute basically.
string_bean00 said:
you better bone the 32 year old you danced with
and good job, I'm actually surprised. I'd hate going out solo
i hope i at least get to dance another time with the 32 yr old, followed by some kinkyness

She was so hot.
Thanks. Yeah, at the 18+ club it sucked, but at the bar it was cool, but honestly i think it helped bumping into some people at the bar that i already knew.
jh1 said:
I am not a solo guy neither..
I feel so much more comfortable in a group.
same here, which is why i needed to do what i did last night!