You dont know what the hell your talking about!
If you do it right on the first set, you dont have to do another!
You are telling me that all these pro's are wrong? Look, this has been argued time and time again, its anoying! It works, if you do it correctly! If you dont a muscle becomes larger so must your intensity for the muscle to become larger-----its called progression! If youre using the same workout with the same intensity, then will not progress. There is no study to prove that more sets are better! I know these workouts are not for everyone, but it works.........maybe not for you! Try reading some more info on the subject! You will be surprised on how many NFL teams and player use HIT!
mike mentzers genes were good enough that he could have done just about any training program and it would have worked. (Juice helped too) One thing that works for one person may not work for another person because their bodies genetic makeup is different. Some people just have more fast twitch muscle fibers and grow no matter what.