As to steroids, they're a helluva lot more than just a little boost in protein synthesis. I mean, shit, CREATINE is just a lil boost in protein synthesis.You're comparing the mechanisms of anabolics to those of creatine? Steroids will do the following:
* Enhanced growth factor activity (e.g. GH, IGF-1, etc.)
* Enhanced activation of myogenic stem cells (i.e. satellite cells)
* Enhanced myonuclear number (to maintain nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio)
* Enhanced protein synthesis
* Enhanced new myofiber formation
And these things cause massive muscles? Just add gear and *poof* instant-pro! ....uh, nope
It jacks up every single step in the muscle-building process. Enhanced new fiber formation and accelerated growth in existing fibers. And these effects, unlike creatine, are DOSE-DEPENDANT. Not growing fast enough? No problem, take another 500 mg a week.BS. You're a good bro around here, so forgive me if I'm blunt, but it sounds like you have very little knoweldge about anabolics bro. You can't argue a subject you have no knowledge of, it makes you look silly.
For anyone who downplays the role of steroids, take a look at the anabolic board. If they're just a small tool in the bodybuilder's arsenal, why is 90% of the anabolic board psychologically addicted to their use? I've done three solid cycles in the past. I haven't touched them for over 2 years now. Am I shaking violently and drooling over a picture of test? Nope, I could give a fuck. I'll probably do another, but not until I need to. I busted my ass naturally and only considered using gear when I hit a wall. I was chasing a martial arts goal and wanted to grow at the same time....can you do that? I sure couldn't. Right now I'm not fighting anymore, so I'm not faced with a shit load of cardio and potential overtraining. So, I can focus on the gym and grow naturally just fine. Some guy will go on and say "I kept 10 pounds in an 8-week cycle!" And other guys will say "okay, good for you." Here on training, if someone gains near 10 pounds of muscle in 8 weeks, we karma him til his ass is green. There, 10 pounds? Nuttin' special.And?
Like I said, before bodybuilding discovered steroids, the top pros were under 230. That's not a coincidence.