Bro, why is Heavy Duty crap?! Do you know that the original HeavyDuty is almost exactly the same as HST, the program you love so much? Thats right. The whole body in one workout, 1-2 sets each part, three times a week. Thats how Arthur Jones first had Casey, and Mike do it. Thats also how Mike used to train when he was doing shows. He has said his best results where when he was on an every other day routine. He only later changed it, after he had retired.
The modern Heavyduty, is nothing like the original HIT and the first style of Heavy Duty Mike did. Mike made further refinements after years of working with thousands of clients, and seeing how much they could, and could not tolerate. I'm getting sick and tired of people talking smack on Mentzer. He was a very smart man, and knew what he was doing. He was incredible in his time, and his training DOES work. Iron Addict trains people similiar to this, and they all gain, he even trains top level guys. Besides, Mikes not exactly around to defend himself. He is dead, let's show some respect for a LEGEND.
As for steroids, they are far, far, far from the magic bullit. You have to actually work harder! Everything has to be right. You have to keep shoving down the protein, keep increasing the weights, keep working harder. You don't just curl a soup can and get 20inch arms, nor do you pop a d-bol and wake up like Gunther or Ronnie. These are all bullshit myths. Just like training without steroids, you have to train properly, or else all you will gain is 10lbs of bloat, and an ego, and that is the flat out TRUTH.