I'm still struggling with this. The other day when I was grinding with girls at the club my conscience was bothering me later.
I know this may sound odd, and many of you think I should be able to be sexual and not feel guilty about it. But since I'm a Christian I think I'm always going to feel guilty to some degree about sex.
Unless, if I became married then I wouldnt. But that wouldnt make any sense, since I dont even want marriage right now.
It's tough to be physical with women, because I've noticed they ask me why I'm nervous while I'm dancing with them. Or awhile back when I tried being physical with that one girl but felt uncomfortable at the same time. She picked up on it and said that was why she stopped giving me the handjob.
I dont know if I'm ever going to be able to shake the guilt when it comes to being physical with a woman before i'm married with her.
I guess I can try to just forget about my guilt and continue to try to progress sexually with women, But will the guilt ever go away? Or am I stuck with it forever?
Will I ever be normal with my sexual development? (normal: being able to have premarital sex without guilt) I get the vibe that other Christians in America are able to have sex and not worry about it. I just want to be comfortable doing these things with women.
But if I never feel completely comfortable, then I guess I gotta explain that part of me to women, every time I am with one of them

But what are they gonna think or say when they discover I have moral conflicts?
I just want to choose to be sexual, and try the hardest I can to not feel guilty about it.