Looks like its time for me to back off again from the entire routine. Once I reach burnout I usually drop training and eating for size completely. All or nothing like always. This approach works best for me to make continued project. There is no concrete plan, only to get gradually leaner until I get to a point where I have a lean base to rebuild from. Cleaning up my diet has been a major help with my acid issues, but I still want to get rid of my gut to further improve that situation. Also to be able to see the detail in the muscle Ive been building.
There is a small chance I will continue again with the routine by next week, but I think I will either stop training completely for 2-6 months and just cut calories , to further lean. Or I will just train 3 times a week on those lower calories and around 130-200 protein. Thats all I really need to maintain most of my muscle if Im training. It would also burn more calories so it would be useful for that as well. Right now my mind is completely out of it, but either way Ill make forward progress. The trade off to a complete break is that I spend several months getting my old muscle memory back when I return. So there is some lost time, but I dont have any deadlines. This is a longterm pursuit for me. This is what needed to be done to avoid becoming a slave to the shit. The benefit is my joints and tendons heal alot. Which means bigger lifts and records for more sustained periods of time.
Those are pretty much the only 3 directions I will go in for now. I will mix up what I do, but keep everything aimed toward the main goal of getting leaner first. After a month or two I can completely turn my mind off to the idea of training. The eating I despise anyway. I get much more size and strength these days by coming back in bursts, hitting new size and strength records, then taking breaks.
There is a small chance I will continue again with the routine by next week, but I think I will either stop training completely for 2-6 months and just cut calories , to further lean. Or I will just train 3 times a week on those lower calories and around 130-200 protein. Thats all I really need to maintain most of my muscle if Im training. It would also burn more calories so it would be useful for that as well. Right now my mind is completely out of it, but either way Ill make forward progress. The trade off to a complete break is that I spend several months getting my old muscle memory back when I return. So there is some lost time, but I dont have any deadlines. This is a longterm pursuit for me. This is what needed to be done to avoid becoming a slave to the shit. The benefit is my joints and tendons heal alot. Which means bigger lifts and records for more sustained periods of time.
Those are pretty much the only 3 directions I will go in for now. I will mix up what I do, but keep everything aimed toward the main goal of getting leaner first. After a month or two I can completely turn my mind off to the idea of training. The eating I despise anyway. I get much more size and strength these days by coming back in bursts, hitting new size and strength records, then taking breaks.