Back and one 100 rep set of Dumbbell laterals (trap focused version)
Medium and light weight, Low volume. Leaning/Growth phase.
Switched shit up today. Mostly ditched holds and went with continuous reps. The holds have added alot of size to my back the last few years, but back has also adapted to them. Havent done faster reps in a while.
I did keep the fast reps more controlled and didnt allow my form to get too loose. I couldve moved more weight that way but not worth it. Im sure I couldve repped 400 on the low cable rows today but I decided to end it at 350. I didnt really feel any bicep tendon or shoulder pain during, however I popped my bicep tendon with 400 lb lat pulldowns in the past. I dont really need to travel that route again. Its rare I test my full power on back, and today I restrained but did push the weight a little heavier on the cable rows.
Its best not to test my full strength anymore on any movement. It just brings injuries quicker and becomes high risk. The muscles are way stronger than the connecting tendons. So its always a gamble if something will snap.
I try to pull almost fully with my lats and not involve much arm, but arms are always involved with rowing. So its a risk on the bicep tendons, shoulders over time or even one set thats too heavy.
I felt no real re percussions today, so maybe next time Ill try to get more weight on the stack or hit more reps with 340 , 350 and the 285 lb stack which is way too light now as I hit it 22 times today.
I had to dangle 10's off the stack with the 45 lb plate, so it wasnt easy to get that weight on there. I can get creative if need be but should probably stick with high reps. Getting the 350 for 15-20 would probably be better then going over 400 again.
When I dont do holds I need to use alot more weight. That is why I did them for a while. So I could go lighter and grow. Sometimes I need to switch shit up though. I try to be more tactical with when I use the heavier training. During a growth/leaning phase like this it makes more sense. During maintaince or leaning phases its not needed. I would just be doing it for fun.
I was getting fucking bored and burnt out with the training and eating again but this put me in a better mood. Its good to see I still have some power in my back even if I dont fully test it. Possible PRs as its been so long since I went this heavy or did high reps with these weights.
Its good that Im actually getting stronger as Im carrying maybe 14 lbs less body mass. My waist is a little smaller still and back/chest measurement is maybe an inch to inch and a half down from peak size, at 55 inches.
Arms still havent broken past 19 1/4 cold flexed. Possibly soon. Harder to hit measurements when staying leaner or getting leaner. Strength is more motivational to me as size gains are slow as fuck. Strength gains weekly for me these days, sometimes multiple times a week.
No measurable size gains yet this year, only strength. Hopefully in the next 7 weeks of this phase I can either get leaner and hold similiar muscular measurements to my peak, or get a little bigger and stay at this bodyfat percentage. I will try to make some measurable improvement by the end of this phase. I was about to take another break, but I will probably finish this phase off.
PR with the chin ups at this bodyweight also. I was not cramming myself into the lat pullover today like usual. So that extra bit of mass missing from my lats made that a non issue. Lats started to brush up against the elbow pads toward the end, but not like before where I was tightly wedged in the machine. Though this version of the pullover may be a little wider too.
Itll be interesting to see some new PRs on back, as I almost never hit PRs on back anymore, for very good reason. Ill feel shit out though and see if I can fit some more in during this entire phase if possible. I gain strength very quickly and can really blow out all these numbers if I dont tear something first. Gotta feel shit out. No problems yet. Joints feel pretty smooth right now. Slight shoulder pain after but extremely slight. Luckily I am still restraining on volume and maximum weights. My other sets were not even that heavy because I wanted to focus on feel at that point and not over use my shoulders today.
Looks like tuesday may be my next session. Chest rehab and shoulders. Monday I think they close early. Tommorrow I am definately taking off. For that session Im targeting 40-50 reps with 100 lb flat dumbbell press possibly (for chest rehab) and for shoulders Im thinking 100x20 on seated dumbbell press or maybe 450x10 plus on iso lateral hammer strength, and with nautilus overhead press will have to see. Thats the one I use the most weight on.
229 lbs after protein bar and some milk
Chin Ups with Palms Facing grip
165 lbs assistance x 15 (warm)
125 lbs assistance x 10(same)
31 at bodyweight (PR for this bodyweight. See video. Did 43 at 200 lbs or so years ago)
Low Cable Row (palms facing close grip handle)
165x30 (warm up. Believe it was around 165, labels missing on this. This shit felt ultra light and I knew Id be strong today.)
285x22 (Possible PR. Havent pushed these this hard in so long its hard to say. 2009 was the last time I went wild on this shit. Back then I may have gone up to 385 or so, but cannot remember. Id have to look back in my logs)
340x11 (Possible PR. Same issue. Havent gone this heavy in so long. 330 was about it lately)
350x8 (Possible PR. Same issue.)
See video for 285,340,350 lb sets.
My mind was clear enough to back off at this point. Joints felt great still, but I didnt want to go up to 400 or more, even though I am sure I couldve KILLED THAT SHIT. Popped a tendon before with 400 lbs on lat pulldowns. Not really worth testing my full strength.
Next week Ill see about going heavier or repping the fuck out of 340 and 350. The 285 lb set I can start aiming for 30 reps but that is becoming just a warm up now.
Wont use too much lower back swing or lock out my elbows and get too ballistic, so Ill hit records within that standard. In that past I did anything to hit records, didnt give a fuck about form.
Thought my back had gotten weak, but this is a good sign. Different machines may have thrown off my perspective. Back is way bigger now then it was back when I lifted much heavier with back.
Hammer Strength Lat Pullover (plate loaded) (Re introduced these. Super light so I dont fuck with my chest rehab)
no rest til line
------- (None of this to failure, some holds mixed in)
Lat Pulldowns (close grip palms facing handle)
190x15 warm
no rest til line
One Arm Cable Rows Free Motion Machine
170x15 ( May have been 125. Two sets of numbers may have thrown me off)
200x10 (This is the stack, so this one was correct)
No rest til line (see video)
Plate 17 x10 (a little unsure on the numbers below 200)
Dumbbell Laterals (trap focused version)
45x100 (Brief rest pauses only)
This was all I had time for as the gym closed. Already hit my delt and trap work anyway.
If anyone has any requests for specific movements, let me know, very easy now for me to film everything. Thats why Ive been putting up more videos of even lighter shit. New camera
Videos below