Delts, Chest Rehab and Rear Delts
Broke some more records today. No pain in left arm this time. Had bad bone pain, shin splint type pain, in left arm last week. Basically took last week off (trained 3 times but low intensity compared to my normal training, except legs which was sufficient for growth). I took 440 mg naproxen 3 days last week, and took 440 mg prior to my training today. May have took down some of the inflammation.
Still have to work around these chest strains. Its high risk with smith machine military presses especially. So I do not put full speed and power into that movement. Contracting my chest during the movement could mean a tear at this point. I focus on pure shoulder contraction. I cant get too explosive as I normally would.
Still 315x12 was a small PR for the movement. I didnt push it with 350 and then decided to back off from that movement. I hit a PR with 540x28 and 630x6 on the nautilus overhead next. After the 630 I went into a no rest dropset to fill the muscles with blood.
Afterwards I hit another PR with 450x4 on the iso lateral hammer strength Press. Its a PR because I never hit 450 on this movement. Ive done high reps with 360 and maybe 410 but never went heavier. Mainly because the lift off is hard on my spine. Some compression on that movement but managable. Only some nerve pain afterwards, but minor.
I focused more on strength today. I was fucking anxious after not training for a week (didnt really count what I did last week as training). Strength is more gratifying as its quicker and its one of my main motivations with training. So I also break records to keep my fire strong. I only do it on a select few lifts now though. Not nearly every movement and set as in the past. Too damaging at my strength level and with all my strains.
Would have liked to hit a full chest routine as well, but my chest is still very tender. I had alot of tightness with 180 after all the shoulder pressing. So I did not push alot of reps even with 180 and did not go up to 270 today on incline hammer strength. Chest may even end up not being trained during this growth phase, but will see.
Eating was not that heavy as it was somewhat of a break last week. Enough to maintain though.
I didnt fuck with the dumbbell presses today for shoulders. All the stabilization needed can be tough on the bones, and my left forearm bone was fucked up last week. Wanted to heal it. Though I lack restraint and still didnt train light. If Im going to train I fucking train. Otherwise I just take full breaks until Im ready to train properly (heavy and high volume).
May take a few days off to recover and hit back next. Legs I can hit next as well. Will see what I feel. Overall I was satisfied that I didnt fuck up my chest and came out of it with some decent KILLS, considering the circumstances.
Strength gains should continue weekly, as usual, but I will have to make more of an effort to force feed. I havent hit that as hard as I could be. The Dr. Jekyll , Mr.Hyde pre workout combo is working very well so far. The DMAA gives me a tunnel vision effect and the caffiene from the hyde gives me some good energy when combined. Im still using 1/2 scoop mr hyde, 1 scoop dr. jekyll pre workout. 2 scoops Bcaa Pro aminos during training, 1 scoop creatine mix, and I dillute that in 60-90 oz of water throughout the session. On the ride back I take a 410 calorie protein bar and eat immediately when I get back usually. Big100 Met RX protein bars. Training is the first thing I do or the last thing I do for the day. Either I stay up and train or I do it as soon as I wake (usually). If I do it when I wake, then I have 3 meals done by the time I get done with training. Meal prior to training, protein bar on drive back, meal after gym. Then I drink alot of milk and fill in the rest throughout the day.
238 lbs after meal
Smith Machine Military Press
Bar x 75 warm
135x40 warm
225x20 warm
275x24 (Possible PR and warm up)
315x12 (PR. Didnt go full explosive or full effort today. Have to focus on not contracting my chest since I have strains in both sides)
350x5 (Same issue. Didnt push more reps and didnt go heavier today. Not worth the risk of tearing a pec)
See videos for 315 and 350 sets
Nautilus Overhead Press
270x20 warm
450x10 warm
540x28 (PR. See video. Rest pauses used on many of the machine presses today. Didnt push rest pause as far as I could have. These are risky on neck strains)
590x9 (see video)
Neck wasnt as tight as usual but want to grow for this phase above all else. Strains can get in the way of that.
No rest til line
630x6 (PR, see video)
Hammer Strength Iso Lateral Shoulder Press
180x20 warm
270x10 warm
450x4 (PR,See video, never did 5 plates a side on this machine. Puts alot of compression on spine, so usually dont do it)
Incline Hammer Strength Machine (Chest strains were tight after the shoulder pressing, it may be best to lay off chest completely for a while, but went super light for today)
This was just minimal pressing to get some blood in the tendons and muscle. Havent decided what to do about chest strains yet. I plan to continue breaking pressing records weekly with my shoulders though.
Dumbbell Laterals (trap focused version)
no rest til line
no rest til line
no rest til line
Reverse Machine Flies
130x20 (long holds)
160x20 (long holds)
205x20 (Long holds and regular reps)
Videos below