About to hit some legs. Eating has been increased and will continue during this growth phase. The maintenance phase was turning into a slow growth and strength gaining phase anyway. So Ive increased eating for now to try and break past the 19 1/2 inch cold barrier on arms (Never broke it cold, since 2012) and I added in Body Fortress's creatine H2 supplement. Just one scoop a day, maybe some days more, but atleast 1. Its 4 grams of creatine mono and some aminos. No digestive issues aside from some acid, so I have to watch when I time it. The last pure creatine mono product went right through me and the creatine HCL , I feel did nothing. It may have even caused my chest to lock up, tear, or pop the last 2 times it happened. Since I dont drink alot of water. Almost like a real bad cramping. No idea though. Anything at this point that can give an edge is worth a try. Its cheap.
I have been drinking 32-64 ounces of water during training now. I mix 2 scoops of the pro bcaa aminos in a gatorade 32 oz container. I fill it again before it empties , which means I have to drink all the water to get the aminos. So its gotten me to drink more water during.
Making strength gains after 21 years of progressive resistance and pushing the limits is a good sign for me. So I might as well feed that shit properly while my body is able to make these increases. I go by feel now, deciding when I will amp up my diet. Training is always intense, just limited more by joint and tendon issues. PRs have been almost weekly, if not weekly for months now. Usually several PRs.
Ive also been taking in protein bars inbetween meals. I havent used those in many years. However shakes give me acid and havent been using them at all lately. I will fit them in somewhere but , although protein bars are much more costly, I can get them down without issues. I will try to get them in bulk cheaper on amazon. Any suggestions would be useful too. The more I can get in per day the more beneficial, but they can be 2 dollars a bar. Id rather eat real food at that price, but this is helping me boost calories and protein easily, which is important. High milk consumption too lately. 60-90 oz a day on average id estimate. I respond very well to milk between meals. Im using fairlife brand since it claims 50 percent more protein. Been working great.
Those are some of the recent changes ive been incorporating, along with much fuller delt work. Strict side laterals with holds (havent done side lateral focused movements in years). Overhead pressing twice a week and rear delts training. Havent done rear delts in a long time. Joint issues were why I avoided those. Its managable for now so Ill get it in. I only overhead press for shoulders sometimes, but now its twice a week. So that means im breaking records weekly without being fully recovered. Usually only 2 days apart. Chest and delts, back and delts. I also hit chest and back first. So I am heavily pre exhausted and still breaking all time pressing records. Its not something Im specialising in, but just a part of the routine. It shows the level of strength ive gained.
Chest work is going to be lighter with less rest for a while I think. Its not worth risking popping the right side for a third time. I think it just needs some time to regenerate. I will likely just try to pump the shit out of the area. Im getting my fix for pressing work through the shoulder pressing twice a week for now. So my shoulders should benefit more than usual.
I will try using an incline bench set to 1 notch from 90 degrees to alleviate some vertical stress from the spine. That may be better than the usual short shoulder press bench. Also gives neck support. Next time I use dumbbells for shoulder press I will likely move it up to 90s for 20, then maybe the following session 100x20, etc. Its more re-introductory at this stage and not done fresh. When I was 212 lbs I did 100s for around 20 (maybe 17) in 2010. I know I have alot more overall strength now as Ive been breaking all other records on all my presses. Much larger now as well. If I stick with them then I should be able to hit some high reps with 100s and up again. Much more than prior.
The only issue is a neck strain that occurs very easily with overhead pressing. Machines and free weights. It can last anywhere from 4 days to close to a month or longer. Its bad to the point where I have to avoid training completely, or it will reset the recovery and strain again. Its a high risk to take for overhead pressing, when one set can fuck up an entire growth phase.
What I am avoiding mainly, or trying to avoid, is grinding out final reps and going crazy with rest pause reps. Any change in form to try and get under the weight can fuck it up. Ill see about going up to 450 for reps as well on iso lateral hammer strength shoulder press. I know I can hit it but trying to restrain. I cannot really go ballistic on that machine with 4 plus plates on each side anyway. The plates will fall off, even with the bandages. And ballistics is what I need to avoid with overhead pressing. Even though Im more efficient with explosive power. Size is really the focus now. Though I am always obsessed with some form of progressive resistance or I feel complacent. I despise complacency and get bored easily.