Back and delts (second back session, third delt/trap session) 10 mins cardio
Elbows were real inflamed yesterday. Iced them. Took 220 mg naproxen and 1000 mg bromelain. Some stretching. They definately feel better today, even after training. Though I excluded elbows as much as possible today.
No rowing. Just pullovers for back. Wore the elbow sleeves too. Growth is coming quick in the first week of this growth phase. Chest/back is now over 55 inches again cold, and legs are 28 1/4 right and 28 1/2 left, cold flexed.
Strength still is not back. Size seems to mostly be. So I should have a good seven weeks to really add some new mass. I can tell my lats really grew again as I had trouble squeezing into the lat pullover machine , with alot of friction and compression on my sides. Which fucks up the movement. Since you want to spread your lats to get the full contraction. Still usable though. In worst case I may need to throw some rows in when possible, or blast the fuck out of standing pullovers. Ill figure something out.
I may be training back twice a week and delts/traps 3 times a week. I hit delts wit my back and chest sessions usually. My delt sessions tend to be mostly trap since I use a hybrid movement for laterals. Its the only way I can really hit my traps directly without issues.
Shoulder presses are a consideration , but maybe not until the end of the growth phase. They have too much potential to re strain my neck/trap/shoulder strain that I had to take 3 weeks off to recover from. Dont want to fuck anything up mid growth phase. Dont need direct shoulder work anyway. Get enough from chest work.
There is a possibility that I wont train arms during this growth phase. Or if I do it may be very minimal. Depends how elbows feel. They may grow a little from the 10-20 lbs of body mass I gain everywhere else, and some indirect stimulation from back/chest/etc.
If I cant hit arms then ill probably be hitting back twice a week. Shit is light anyway. I should be able to train around the shit and grow everything else. Using just pullovers and no rows , I was able to blast the fuck out of my lats and really get them swollen and pumped. Minimised rest between sets too.
Arms have been stagnant even with super high volume and high intensity anyway, so this may give them some room to grow. Only thing I havent tried yet for them.
Bromelain is a digestive enzyme that is supposed to reduce inflammation , break down protein and thin blood. I took 500 mg before 6 tilapia filets and my stomach was growling after the meal, so it may do something. Inflammation feels a little better too but I took 220 mg naproxen yesterday and 1000 mg bromelain. Probably do 1000-1500 mg bromelain daily. Naproxen I wont abuse since it gives alot of acid, and will interfere with food consumption.
My protein is around 275-300 daily in this growth phase. Sometimes it will be higher or a little lower. Calories are basically whatever else I can get down , the filler foods and milk.
Ill eat 4-6 tilapia per meal. Sometimes twice a day. Plus milk, protein shake, carb and calorie heavy freezer foods like jamaican meat pockets, mozarella sticks, anything that will raise calories. Pumpkin seeds too. Much more variety then in the past.
233 lbs after meal (this scale seems to have me 3 lbs lighter so possibly 236)
Standing Cable Pullover (short straight bar)
KILOGRAMS for this stack
All pullovers are a mix of holds, long holds, regular reps and some stretching mixed in to maximise that cramping sensation in lats
No rest til line
95x5 (210 lb stack)
Seated Lat Pullover Hammer Strength (plate loaded)
Alot of friction with pads scraping lats again today. Have filled out since a few days ago.
no rest til line
no rest til line
Dumbbell Laterals (hybrid movement, mostly traps)
Light and low volume today. Dont want to restrain left trap/neck/shoulder
45x75 (brief rest pauses)
No rest til line
10 mins cardio
Quick and efficient. Very good pump. Will see about hitting back twice a week, but its all by feel. Goal is really just growth during this 2 month growth phase.
There may be some PR lifts. If there is it will probably be high rep dumbbell presses (already getting 125x20 and 100x45) and hammerstrength incline press , maybe 450x30 and if I decide to go back to 500 and 540 then 500x20 plus or 540x10 plus. All possibilities but my main focus is to avoid restrains and just grow now. Itll come easily with the food and if I avoid injury