About to train, but Ill detail my plan for today in the next post. Heres an update for those that may have read the early portions of the journal or remember it somewhat.
I was chasing a 405 lb bench press early in this journal. Along with The Brute. We had some awesome fucking exchanges and along with some other great posters, the fire was really kept alive in this journal.
To sum it up, I ended up hitting 395 and 400 just short of lockout but didnt get it. I was doing this with two newly ruptured discs. I ruptured them ignoring pain and brutal training. Those who followed the journal , or look back, can see the extent of the training at that time. I was always on a self destructive rampage, and the results were secondary. For me its the exorcism for my demons that is the primary motive.
Currently I have 6 ruptured discs that I know of, carpal tunnel in both hands, bone spurs and a hiatal hernia. Also extreme exhaustion always. Sleep does almost nothing at times. Plus the usual fucked up digestion from nerves. Ive had numbness in hands for the last 4 years or so. Constant numbness. This was all from brutal training for over 20 years and ignoring pain, constantly KILLIN SHIT. More on that later.
Once I realized I was fucked, I went on a rampage and finished myself off, training violently. I took myself out for 2 years. Lost all size and was down to 157 lbs. It was a mind fuck and identity crisis. Having built this beast and not knowing who I was otherwise. This forced my mind to adapt, and when I came back in 2007 I was of a different mindset then previously. Much more adaptable. Before I was ultra stubborn and would grind myself to destruction without even a good reason. Once I moved in a direction I would not back off. Its the extreme drive and intensity, but its also very destructive.
I started my return in 2007. Skip ahead to maybe march of 2010 and I did hit 405 on the flat bench , at around 208 lbs or so (212 clothed I think). Though I never trained optimally at all, maxing 3 times a week, massive volume at high intensity to failure, etc, I was still trying to hit 400 lbs in 2004 by just throwing it into my routine. So I never tried to do it as a bench specialist. Same when I was deadlifting.
Interesting thing is that I hit 405 when I no longer gave a fuck about benching 405 anymore. I had been doing a massive amount of rep work and I threw in 405 at the end of doing many reps, heavily pre exhausted.
The routine was a record day and the lifts were
135 warm up
maybe 385 for a few reps
then 405
These were 3/4 ballistic style reps, except for the heavier weights which were locked out. 405 was locked. I was on superdrol at the time. Extremely toxic oral and made me very ill. Could hardly eat but gained 9 reps on my 315 bench in 3 weeks, hitting 23 reps. This was before it was banned. Id never take it again because I had a shitload of side effects. At the end I couldnt hardly stay awake, or keep food down, and I was getting black out sensations after sets, and sometimes when trying to sleep.
If you check in my signature link, to the other journal on MD, you can find the details of that period and training.
Right now Im taking that attitude into my training and lifestyle as well. Im balancing the training around my life and not the other way around. My eating now is more half ass and I have more off days with not eating alot. With the slower metabolism and muscle memory Im at my largest now overall, so its working. I learned alot after taking myself out so many times. I found that I can take 10 months off and still get it back in a few months. So that changes the way I approach shit