Weight=135 lbs
(Even after pizza, Yippee!)
6:00 a.m.
2 CB w/16 oz H2O
1 squirt YES on abs, 1 squirt on quads
6:30 a.m.
Worked Chest today - 4TUT
Flat bench press (Smith) - 4TUT
15 reps x 20#
12 reps x 50#
8 reps x 50#
6 reps x 70#
flat bench DB Flyes - 4TUT
15 reps x 15# DBs
12 reps x 15# DBs
8 reps x 20# DBs
6 reps x 20# DBs
incline press (on incline press equipment) - 4TUT
15 reps x 20#
12 reps x 20#
8 reps x 20#
6 reps x 20#
Then 15 minutes HIIT on eliptical trainer: 1.5 minutes w/up, 30s sprints, 60s walk, 2 minutes cooldown
Meal 1: 8:05 a.m.
2 scoops Isopure Low carb protein
1/2 cup dry oats
12 oz H2O
cup of black coffee w/pinch of Splenda
I chewed a couple of Beanos before shake today, as yesterday I think the oats gave me some bloating. Hope the Beanos work!