joepalooka said:
I hope you get better. It was good to see you and Ulter last weekend and it was nice to meet some of the ladies of this fine forum. I will try to drop in once in a while to see your progress.
Rest and get well.
Hey, thanks for dropping in!!! It was great hanging out with you guys too -- hilarious times, lots of laughs and fun stories. You boys are just awesome.
jenscats5 said:
+++++++++++++Vibes to get well soon!!
I'd give ya a hug but you're contagious!!
sbt2082 said:
OH so sorry you're still not feeling well there sweetie

x millions
msam76 said:
florencia said:
I hope your better T!!!
Yum chocolate cake...temptation Island!
treilin said:
Sorry babe! Take something to knock you out so u can sleep!
ck2006 said:
Roonytunes said:

to you, girlfriend....antibiotics maybe? Doesn't sound right to be so sick for so long.
ps - I want to go to marshmallow land with you. I love the imagery of tall pieces of chocolate cake floating by!
WOW! Ok, let me start by saying THANK YOU to everyone above who left me love! You all are amazing, and it was extremely kind of you to pop in and wish me well.
I last posted on Monday and felt Godawful -- I got home from work that afternoon, took an hour to sleep and laid in bed all evening... slept 10 hours that night, skipped all workouts and exertion. I still felt like hell at dinner, but the next morning -- I only woke up ONCE during the night and I felt
HUMAN again!
It was GREAT!

I wasn't totally well yet but I was functioning, I was more clear-headed, and I was able to simply sit at work and be productive and SPEAK (my voice was on the outs all weekend and as a teacher that's BAD NEWS).
I'll post my workouts in my next post... but yes, I'm back in the gym, thank God!
curgeo said:
Tcake, I am going to set you up this week with the training again. I have some good ideas.
What the hell? Did you go to the Doctor's? You shouldn't be sick this long. I hope ou start feeling better. I need you to come out here in a couple of months when school is done and work out with me and Ulter. Imagine a gym filled with joe, Monster, Mikey, Andy, me and you and Ulter? Talk about a laugh fest.
I'm sorry I didn't get to see you guys before you left. I hate this stupid weather too. Just think, It's 4 degrees here right now.
I will call you this weekend.
You are the best, Chuckles.

Thanks for doing that for me. Real excited to see what you come up with -- tore some awesome ideas for lifts out of Muscle & Fitness HERS magazine over the weekend and it includes stuff I already do along with some moves I know I'd love to try out. Really stoked to put it all together -- I'm so tired of my lifting routine! 10 weeks pre-surgery with it and now 9-weeks post-surgery of the SAME OLE SAME OLE... ugh -- I think my body needs the change. I'm ready to grow like mad.
Gymgurl said:
Hey there!
First, spin will lower your immune system if at a hard pace....
BUT the one thing I wanted to say is......YOU ROCK!
I was reading your log and looking at how far you have come....Your awesome! What a journey you have traveled.....HUGS!!
Thanks, GG!

You're so kind.

I see so many heroes in here and I try so much to be just as inspiring as these girls -- it's hard to keep up!
I've got my own little fan club in my gym now -- the one guy keeps bringing me new friends and family members and saying, "Do you have your picture?" when I'm lifting. He's so kind, but he is trying so hard to inspire the people he loves. He glimpsed my before photo in my lift book a month ago -- so it's great that I can inspire SOME people to be better than they are.
And of course there's the random, "OMG, you're legs are HUGE! What do you do?" from various men AND women in the gym. It's good to be the "big" girl.
I'll post up cardio and lifts in a few. That's enough for this post!