*Bunny* said:
Bring him to the show in July
T-Cake you are coming right? Crap when are you moving????
Oh I would TOTALLY bring my bro to the show in July if I could persuade him to. That'd be schweeeeet.
As for my move -- no idea. Sooner the better only because there is a shift in school year calendars. MI runs from Sept 1 or so until late June... but FL runs from AUG. 1 until late May... so basically I'd be getting out of work with my CURRENT job on June 9... and my "summer off" would end by July 15 or so (because I'd probably have to do staff meetings, set up my classroom, and go through a new teacher orientation or FIVE
). SO to answer your question -- I don't know if I'll still be in MI then, and yes, Ulter and I have talked about that. Meh -- I'm a 'play it by ear' sorta gal... so I'm just gonna wait and see, but I'm well aware!!!
FlyBrownChick said:
You have the most awesome energy...reading your log, checking your site...it's so obvious that you really enjoy life. That is a breath of fresh air...
AMAZING transformation, chicka! Like Treil, all pics at dirty pics at my job. I'll check out your updates when I get home.
WOW, what a NICE compliment!!! Thank you so much! Oddly enough, I am exhausted all the damn time because there is always so much to do and so little time to do it (case in point: I'm FINALLY posting on my own damn log at 1am... Grrr... at least I'm on my laptop in bed!), but I manage. Thanks for appreciating my energy.
T-Cake's Good Moments of Today:
1) I was at work until 6
m tonight (Ulter says I post about work a lot so far... but I SWEAR it's because it has been consuming me in the last two weeks). KUDOS FOR ME because I was going to go home and rest on the couch, have some dinner, etc. and do my lifting tomorrow. WELL I decided that Friday upper would throw off my schedule and I hadn't planned on lifting until 8pm anyway... so I TRUDGED home... cooked myself a CLEAN DINNER (shrimp and green beans -- I needed to offset some carb-age earlier)... and then I WENT TO THE GYM. I know... I would have gone tomorrow anyway, but I stuck to my guns and got it done.
2) Had a great upper lift, and when on the bike my knee (even though in its bandage) felt pretty good. At the end of the workout it was tired but no crazy pain, thank goodness. I'm slowly going to work back into cardio this weekend (I PROMISE I WON'T RUN!!!)... but at what point is it safe to go back to lifting lower body? Opinions, ladies?
3) I had like 3 or 4 kids tell me today that I am the best teacher in the building or one of the best. That really made me feel good seeing that I do what I do FOR THEM.
4) ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?!?! I pulled a *Bunny*
Yeah, man -- there is this other solo chick at the gym who gets her gear on, carries her log around, lifts properly and is just IN THE ZONE. She's the ONLY girl I ever see during my training time who appears to know what she's doing and seems serious about it. Well the other day I saw her walk by and DUDE, he delts and tris were just SO COOL. I just have watched her every now and then for a couple months and think she is so badass.
SO I mustered up the *Bunny* courage tonight to approach her between her sets and tell her that she is such an inspiration to me and that her tris and delts are AWESOME and she should be really proud. She smiled SO BIG and I felt so good about telling her. She told me I was really sweet for saying that, and I told her that it's cool to see another girl in the testosterone-pool. She said her friends think she's nuts for working out on the 'boy's side' of the gym with the heavier machinery, etc... and I told her I was always intimidated, but I got over it after awhile. It was so cool!!! I felt popular for a minute and was like "WOW -- look at this confidence I have!!!"
So those are the cool points of the day. I'll have to tell more tomorrow because this was a N O V E L!
I blab a lot.
Goodnight girlies. I'm giving quizzes ALL DAY tomorrow, so I HOPE to God I can manage to really figure out some sort of pattern to my daily rants here...