Joy of joys -- it's Sunday. *sigh* I don't know what it is about Sundays... but knowing I have to be back at work tomorrow... knowing I have craploads of work to do this afternoon yet (e.g. write 3 Final exams -- oh, and did I mention I left the chemistry textbook with all the vocab in it at WORK?! Grrrreat...)... I just don't like Sundays. Just another work day.
T-Cake is STILL back in the game!
I am sore today, and it's GREAT! I am SO HAPPY I lifted lower yesterday (first time in about a month), and I'm not aching or anything! Just sore, but sore is nicccceeee!
Knee status: Feels pretty good!
No weird pain or anything; I think I'm actually more concerned about preventing/keeping my shin splints to a minimum than I am about my knee.
Training today:
* 4.2 mile walk in 58 minutes outdoors.
(My dad and stepmom asked me to meet them for brunch at a Marriot in the next city over... I told them I had to walk before I could eat, so we pushed back the mealtime and I just walked to the Marriott. Turned out to be 4.2 miles door-to-door -- lucky me!)
* No lifting today.
Nutrition today:
B @ 11:30am:
1/2 c. scrambled eggs
1/2 c. cottage cheese
1 slice swiss cheese
1/2 c. tomato slices
1/2 c. skim milk
3/4 c. Honey Nut Cheerios (I don't keep cereal at home, and I've been CRAVING HNC for eons now -- major treat for me!)
3/4 c. fresh pineapple chunks
S @ 1pm:
1 low-carb pita (200 cals, 20 g protein) from Olga's
S @ 3pm:
1/2 low-carb Asian chicken sandwich from yesterday (leftovers)
Plans for tonight:
Cod fillets for dinner cooked in lemon juice with onions and garlic
Strawberries for dessert
Evening snack: 1L Crystal Light w/ 2 scoops ISO-AGB
Water count thus far today: 3.0 L down, 2.0 L to go
I actually developed a water schedule for myself to see if I can get in 5.0 L a day. 2L before lunchtime (11am), 1 L by 3pm (school's out), 1 L with dinner (6pm), 1 L in the evening (before bed)
We'll see how this works. So far so good.
GOD, I feel SO RELIEVED that I am no longer inept!!!