WOW! Guess it's my turn to be on Cloud 9 now, eh? Thanks Bun-a-licious. That is awesome coming from you especially. And thanks for the support a few weeks ago when I was even considering putting those pictures up. I was so scared to... but now I'm glad I did. I really do love to help people -- and even if it takes me an hour to write out all my food logs and how I think when I eat -- I think SOMEONE will at least know how and what to order and ask for when they're out and about. I just want to help!*Bunny* said:Thank you for bumping those pics b/c I've been so busy I missed them ...
T CAKE AWESOME JOB on posting those pics ... truly ... do NOT yank them .. they empower & help more than you know, and I cannot say that enough ...
Not only are you kicking some ass, but you are shrinking ... literally ... and your skin is tightening so nicely as well ... it REALLY is .. keep up the great work
Love the fighter in you
Thanks sweetness! I can just see you sitting on the edge of your chair when you typed that! It made me feel AWESOME to know someone is so excited for me and supportive. Thanks a bunch for the kudos -- and you know, I think changing it up and trying new things is turning out to be the BEST thing I can do for myself right now. Keeps life interesting! x12 to you!takniteasy said:OMG, Fantabulous!! You are definitely rawking!! :wink:
And congrats on the weight loss and the marathon entry and trying so many new things, and, and .... Well you know all those good things!
you. And you know -- he's right, girls! Although, I'm constantly saying, "Well what if I... can I have the..." and explaining what I eat. He just looks at me and says, "Hey, you PROVED yourself, hun. I don't question how you eat anymore... you're on your own." Talk about a boost in confidence for me!!!Ulter said:Just so I don't get credit I don't deserve...
T-Cake only gets advice on changing her lifting routines and supplements from me. Her diet and everything else she does is all her doing. Originally she needed my help but now she's way past needing me.
HILARIOUS! You're too cute, girlfriend.treilin said:Sounds great living with someone who helps support you and assists you in your diet and training!!! AWESOME girl, Now are you not glad you moved?!?!? I got it figured I'm going to marry a personal trainer/nutritionist one day.. then they can put it all together and I will just follow it,
Actually... I never thought I'd ever be friends with, let alone DATE, anyone like Ulter. He's just such a pro and brilliant about all the fitness and training stuff... I mean, I feel like I'd pale in comparison! But obviously I was wrong... and funny how what I needed in someone wasn't what I was looking for... isn't that how it goes? But yeah -- no subconscious desires on my part in finding someone who'll watch my every move -- but he's absolutely great about it! Just trusts that I'll follow the plan and lets me off on my own -- even when I lived in MI (which, you're right, I DO NOT regret leaving) he just gave me the rules and the plan... and I was on my own. It's great to have help and support -- but ultimately it's up to ME to make it happen, right?
TOO FUNNY about seeing Panera and thinking of me! Yeah, man, I eat there a LOT and it doesn't bother me one bit! It's fast and reasonably priced and SUPER tasty -- splurge meal or not!Roonytunes said:I love reading your mega updates....you always put enough personality into 'em to make it cute & funny!
I saw a Panera today and my first thought was "T-CAKE!!".
I'll have to watch Mad Hot Ballroom now based on your recommendation. I liked Strictly Ballroom a lot from a long time ago. Btw, if you haven't already seen Devil Wears Prada, go ASAP. I'm quite sure you'll like it.
And thanks for the tip on the movie -- it was CUTE!!! Did you see the dance movie that came out awhile ago with Antonio Banderas? I don't know what it was called -- but I wanted to see that. I love ballroom stuff -- had a roommate in college who did it and I was fascinated.
And I'm glad you like how I write! So funny because I think I write like I talk... ask Ulter or gymgurl -- they'd know for sure.
Anytime, girlfriend!!! I'm always up for visitors and company!!!jenscats5 said:GREAT update!! Way to go!! I love morning walks too - 'cept it won't stop raining here so I can't seem to get them in....I'll have to come visit!! LOL
And hey -- I know I can't be at treil's show -- but if anyone wants to do the Disney Half Marathon with me Jan. 6th -- sounds like a plan to me!!! Or you can just watch me sweat my butt off and cheer me on. Who WOULDN'T want to just hang at that race??? Oh my, I'm getting all excited again!!!