Just finished a self-designed 4-week program, and decided to try a WSB style split for the next 4-6 weeks.
The program I finished last week was this:
Monday: Pulldowns 5x5, Power Cleans 8x3(light, learning form), Squats 5x3
Wednesday: Bench 6x4, Front squat 5x5 (light) SLDL/RDL 3x5-8
Friday: Hang Powerclean 5x3 (light) back squat 5x5 with monday's 5x3 weight, pulldowns 5x3 or ascending triples, OHP or upright rows
also did accessory work as needed. increased weight over 3 weeks, then did light weight, very low volume for a week.
Went into that with a squat 1RM of 235, Deadlift 1RM of 300. First time benching so no previous 1RM.
Today's workout (modified WSB):
Sumo Deadlifts up to a 1RM:
90 lbs x 5
155x 3
315x1 (PR)
hit a nice PR but back was VERY rounded on last lift. no pain at all but this is NOT something I want to repeat. Need to work on erector/trapezius accessory movements.
Back squats:
135x3, 185x3 (felt hard, I was FRIED)
back extension machine - 3 sets of 10, 10, 12 with the whole stack of weight. no equipment for these to be done properly so I'm gonna use GMS in the future.
SLDL 3 sets of 8,8,5 with 115 (shrug onto toes at the top)
hanging leg Raises - 3 sets of 5
well, my previous routine worked well in terms of gaining strength but it was a little too high-frequency on lower body for my liking and I neglected my erectors/abs. This will definitely be corrected soon. next week's ME day will be squats. I think I'll post my workouts on this thread.
The program I finished last week was this:
Monday: Pulldowns 5x5, Power Cleans 8x3(light, learning form), Squats 5x3
Wednesday: Bench 6x4, Front squat 5x5 (light) SLDL/RDL 3x5-8
Friday: Hang Powerclean 5x3 (light) back squat 5x5 with monday's 5x3 weight, pulldowns 5x3 or ascending triples, OHP or upright rows
also did accessory work as needed. increased weight over 3 weeks, then did light weight, very low volume for a week.
Went into that with a squat 1RM of 235, Deadlift 1RM of 300. First time benching so no previous 1RM.
Today's workout (modified WSB):
Sumo Deadlifts up to a 1RM:
90 lbs x 5
155x 3
315x1 (PR)

hit a nice PR but back was VERY rounded on last lift. no pain at all but this is NOT something I want to repeat. Need to work on erector/trapezius accessory movements.
Back squats:
135x3, 185x3 (felt hard, I was FRIED)
back extension machine - 3 sets of 10, 10, 12 with the whole stack of weight. no equipment for these to be done properly so I'm gonna use GMS in the future.
SLDL 3 sets of 8,8,5 with 115 (shrug onto toes at the top)
hanging leg Raises - 3 sets of 5
well, my previous routine worked well in terms of gaining strength but it was a little too high-frequency on lower body for my liking and I neglected my erectors/abs. This will definitely be corrected soon. next week's ME day will be squats. I think I'll post my workouts on this thread.