sorry bout that
sorry bout that guys. i wrote that post after i got in late that night. i wasnt really thinkn about what i was typing. so uh, here' s the revised routine:
(oh, and i forgot to type in legs. i dont focus much on them cause they're naturally bigger than the rest of my body. im trying to get proportional. but i do legs on the same day as back and bi's.)
ok, for chest i do dumbell bench, barbell incline and decline, butterflies or cable crossovers. i like to switch those two up. tri's: i do extensions with a straight bar and cable, i do extensions with the cable and rope, then i do hyperextensions with dumbells. shoulders: i do lat raises with dumbells, sitting press on a machine, and front raises with dumbells.
either swim or and efx machine(simulates running but takes the stress off the knees and ankles)
for back i start with lat pull downs, then i do close grip rows, then i do bent over rows. bi's: straight bar curls, hammer curls, ez bar curls, and cable curls. legs: i do leg extensions on a machine, leg curls on machine, leg press, and either lunges or a glute machine.
either swim or efx machine
ok, guys, sorry again about the confusion. and again, everything is 4 sets of 8 with heavy weight (well, for me anyway. haha) thanks for any input you have for me.