While I do not have small wrists, I can attest to pain. Last winter I shattered the outside two metacarpals in my right hand and dislocated a few bones in my wrist. It was all pinned back together for six weeks and is "somewhat" as good as new. I have found that stretching and warming up has helped the most in subverting the pain. I am going for a full range of motion again and also to rebuild the strength that I lost in my grip.
To do so I stretch by doing push-ups, and warm up by taking a 10 lb. plate and flexing through the range of motion for a couple of 30 sec. sets. By the time I do this, my wrist is warmed up and ready to deal with what I am about to put it through.
To strengthen my grip I incorporate heavy holds into deads, shrugs, and or just hang after pull-ups. I have not found a need for wraps or tape, but that strategy has helped in the past, and may work for you if you are damaging your wrists with the weight you are using.
hope this helps,