I met a friend of a friend last weekend. He's a personal trainer (built his own clientale, etc) and he knows what he's talking about, and I was ROFL'ing when he was talking about his wife. I've never met her, but I'm told she's very petite. He said she lives the most unhealthy lifestyle, always eating ice cream and junk, and never exercises. He put it like this:
"She looks very good, but it's just well-shaped goo. There's no muscle there. It looks good, but you push in on her anywhere and it all moves. She's a gorgeous girl, but it's just...goo. It's quite pathetic for a woman in her mid 20's to be like that."
This is the trend that needs to stop. So many girls think it's OK to look skinny, as long as it fits the mold of what society deems to be sexually desirable. They don't care if it makes them a well-shaped tub of goo, as long as it appears to look good.
I've had the fortune of training some pretty well-conditioned females before, and they all have one thing in common: they're solid. I trained a Hooters girl who placed 7th at the big swimsuit competition they have each year, and she was solid. Nothing moved on her. I trained a girl with a martial arts black belt, and she was solid.
The standards of what is considered "healthy" has to change. I don't care if you wear a moo moo, all I have to do is analyze what your neck looks like and how that moo moo falls off your shoulders to get a rough idea on the kind of shape you're in. Ultimately, you can't really hide the fact that you're 132 lbs of fat and no muscle. The comment about the supermodels is very accurate. There was a time when I was in middle school where I thought those girls looked good, but now that I've seen some truly top of the line physiques, those "supermodels" are a joke. Eventually, the truth shall be set free.