Diet/Training/Cardio for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
MEAL 1 - Extended release shake 40 grams of Casein/whey protein (GNC Pro Performance PM Protein) in 3 CUPS water
1/2 tbsp anpb
Meal Two
4 egg whites
2 yolks(sprinkle of salt)
3 CUPS water
Meal Three
4 oz chicken breast (sprinkle of salt)
1 tsp Hunan Red Chili Sauce (H-O-T!)
3 cups spinach with salad spritzer
3 CUPS water
Meal Four
BSN Lean Dessert, 1.5 scoops - in 3 CUPS water
50 g sweet potato
Meal Five
3 oz chicken breast(sprinkle of salt)
1 cup cooked brocolli
1 tsp Hunan Red Chili Sauce (H-O-T!)
3 CUPS water
Meal Six
Extended release shake 40 grams of Casein/whey protein (GNC Pro Performance PM Protein) in 3 CUPS water
1/2 tbsp anpb
1 PureCEE
75 minutes steady state
The same ab circuit as we have been using
3 CUPS WATER - with sprinkle of salt
45 minutes steady state
Complete posing routine(the 90 second one) 5 times
15 minutes in sauna after posing - work on stretching while in there
3 CUPS WATER - again with some sodium added
Daily Training:
Leg Extensions
Lying Leg Curls
Pulldowns(narrow - palms facing each other grip)
Cable cross overs - finishing eye level
Dumbbell/Machine Press
WIDE grip pushdowns straight bar
Cable Curls as a slow giant set.....meaning run through the exercises but don't worry about keeping rest intervals down....we want you to tire on a muscular level...not a plumonary level. These high reps are to suck the muscle glycogen as we drop carbs.
Do three cycles.....20 reps MINIMUM - 30 would be even better - 2-3 TUT....
Other daily sups as we have been running EXCEPT
T3....bump dosage up by 12.5 mg.....that should be 75 mcg
Winny....INCREASE to 3mg/day
Var - INCREASE to 7.5 mg/day
Work the YES 3x per day while you cut carbs......add a slather before bed if you arent hitting it then.
FANTASTIC pictures!!!!
The next three days will be harder mentally than physically as we are dropping carbs and adding salt...this will make you think you are smaller and more water logged.
Its a temporary cosmetic effect only.