what exactly defines sexual addiction?
A sexual addiction results from an abuse of the natural sex drive that each person is born with. The abuse can start at any time in life and then progresses until it becomes a compulsion which the sexually addicted person cannot cope with. The sexual addiction eventually affects every part of the person's life, including self-respect, relationships with family and friends, and finances and career. For the sexually addicted person, sex is not the profoundly wonderful experience it is supposed to be.
A sexual addiction is like alcohol to an alcoholic and drugs to a junkie. It is a fix that the sexually addicted person will do just about anything to get. Despite what's shown in the movies and hyped in the media, sexual addiction is not fun.
It is a compulsive drive that brings short term thrills and long term miseries. And just like alcohol or drugs, overcoming it can be the most important decision in your life.
There is a difference between addictive sex and loving sex.
Sexual addiction is more deceptive than most other addictions because sexual addiction provides the illusion of pleasure. The sexually addicted person becomes so blinded by his/her compulsion that s/he believes that they are not sexually addicted. Their usual rationalizations go something like: "I'm just having fun" or "Everyone does it" or "Don't get so uptight about sex." However, there are certain behaviors which conclusively establish that a person is sexually addicted.
i dont have any porn in my house. i dont even watch porn on the net.
Pornography is a special class of sexual addiction distinct from promiscuity, compulsive masturbation, anonymous sex, phone sex, fetishes, voyeurism, etc. For some sexually addicted people pornography has little appeal. For others, their entire sexual addiction revolves around pornography. For many others, pornography is a supplement to their regular sex addiction.
and even so, i still masturbate and want sez despite the soreness. it seems that i cant stop? anyone else like this too?
If there is any addiction that is almost completely misunderstood and virtually denied on all levels it is compulsive masturbation.
It is socially acceptable and even encouraged for people to admit other addictions like alcohol, drugs, eating, work, fetishes, promiscuity, phone sex, etc. But the person addicted to masturbation is shunned. In fact, in most cases s/he will be told, "You're not addicted. Masturbation is just another form of sex. Don't worry about it."
Most people discover masturbation in puberty. Some don't discover it until their early adulthood. Along with their discovery of masturbation they encounter the fear mongering that tells them, "Masturbation is a sin." "Masturbation will make you go blind." "Masturbation is not natural," and other such nonsensical attacks.
The defenders of masturbation propose advice that is as foolish as the attacks against masturbation. The defensive advice can be summed up in one phrase: "If it feels good, do it." The defenders of masturbation refuse to admit that masturbation can become an addiction. The profession in most denial about the addictive aspects of masturbation is psychotherapy. Many thousands of addicted masturbators have told their therapist, "I have a problem with masturbation." The advice they were given in return was, "Masturbation is a natural behavior. You don't have a problem."
The essential problem of masturbation is that it is non-relationship sex. Instead of getting one's healthy sex needs met through a healthy, loving relationship which leads to healthy, loving sex, the compulsive masturbator resorts to sex with him or herself.
Unlike other sexual addictions it can be difficult to determine if masturbation is an addiction for you.
I hope this information helps you!