Saturday, December 16, 2006
"The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they make the best of everything."
^^^^^ Thought that was kinda cute
Mood: Good, its the weekend and gotta get some Christmas shoppin done
Soreness: Legs, calves both feeling a bit tight...
Weight: 148.2 lbs
Cardio- Treadmill 30 min (speed 4.0/incline 5.0)
m1: Pumpkin pancake
m2: 4 HB egg whites, 1 whole HB egg, 1 1/2 cup shredded wheat
m3: 4 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, lettuce
m4: 5 oz shrimp, 2 cups broccoli
m5: 1 oz almonds, 30 min later...1 1/2 scoops protein, 1 tsp glutamine
GYM!!! Shoulders and abs...
5 min warm up on treadmill (speed 4.0)
Arnold Press (SS) (10 x 35) x 2 (10 x 30) x 2
Pike Push ups (SS) (10) (9) (8) (10)
Incline DB UNI lat raises (10 x 15) (10 x 17.5) x 2
Reverse Cable crossover (10 x 30) x 4
Shoulder circuit: Therma band, Ext Rotation, thumbs up/down, shoulder FI, ABC's
V-ups (4 x 25)
Reverse Crunches (2 x 50)
Standing bar twists (12 x 25) x 3
Vacuums w/lats (3 x 90) <--last one worked on pose
m6: 1 1/2 scoops protein, 1 tsp glutamine, 1 scoop powerade
m7: 1 scoop protein, 2 tbl ANPB