elevated levels of testosterone makes everyone horny in their own special way I guess. One of the last bodybuilders I had the fortune to hang out with {i.e. fuck} would call and want to come over; usually about 14-20 days apart. walk in, after a workout and b4 going home to the gf, head to the bed room, strip off shorts and assume the doggie position. It was quick, easy and a major turn on for me. afterwards, he'd ask how my day was, on more than one occasion answer the cell fone of his 'babe' and tell her he's just finishing up his workout and will be home shortly. Guess he needed the prostate stimulated to really finish off his workout. Big, butch, intimidating, but was submissive in this one area. Worked for me, but I got bored of just being a 'booty call' and decided I'd move on. Pretty sure he's found someone else to fill his need....lol