Monday, October 25, 2010
Hey all...we had our first snowfall today. Woke up to a snowglobe outside!! Yuck!! I'm so not ready for winter! 
I am fighting a bug so did not train at all on Saturday. Have started a course of antibiotics but did go and train yesterday. It was back day.
Seated rows with bar
Warm up sets
120-6 (start here next time)
Wide grip pull downs
120-6 (start here next time)
Wide grip pull ups (assisted)
Hyper Extensions
25 lbs - 10
35 lbs - 10
35 lbs - 8
Then did 30 mins on a bike. Overall, a pretty good workout for me. I set a couple more PR's for myself and that always feels good. I definitely underestimate myself sometimes and it's good to push the limits a bit and see how far I can really go.
I've been doing some reading on motivation and self improvement type stuff. Trying to address all the areas of myself over the next couple of months in "project get normal again".
I like this quote: "
If you have no purpose, you have no passion. If you have no passion, you have sold yourself out".
I have definitely been living without passion for a few months! The beauty of life is there is always a tomorrow and always a chance to re-discover who we are and what we are passionate about.
The journey continues.....