bro have you never read in the arnold encyclopedia of bbing that an advanced bber should be doing 20 or more sets per body part, and even one guy mentioned jay cutler does like 25, bro I dont mean literally do all 11, I actually do about 9 exercises, say on the big movements like incline, flat, and decline you do 3 sets each, and on others like machine incline press you only do 2 sets, and maybe only 2 sets on cable crosses, and maybe four on incline flys...............some of the exercises you may only do one set for like 25 reps, and others heavy like 8 reps......bro an advanced bbers goal is to do each set to failure, and make sure you train the muscle in every way with heavy sets, reps, super sets, and giant maintain and gain mass, size, hardness, shape, striations, and overall really got to be an advanced bber and trainer and use your mind to shape the body how you want it to look and how you want it to be to actually achieve the goals of weight training and bbing. And doing only 4 sets of 8 reps at 4 exercises is not going to give you the look of an almost pro bber or advanced bb, you got to thrash you body and constantly shock it to achieve the type of physique I am talking about.