bigronny said:
Poeple Telling Me That I Should Conusme Simple Carbs After Training, But Nobody Is Telling Me How Much Can You Please Tell Me Some Good Exemple Of Simple Carbs Other Than Dextrose. Also Is It True That Conusming Simple Carbs After Training Helps You Gain Muscle But Slows Your Fat Lost, Thats Why Gaining Muscle And Losing Fat Is Not The Same Time
I always recommend your pwo amount by the intensity of your trraining period. For example, it would make sense to use more on a hard, heavy leg day, than an all arm day. Even though you may have worked hard on the arm day, the muscles involved are small, and the taxing of the nervous system would not be so acute.
Taking simple carbs pwo will not hurt fat loss. You need to speed recovery if you worked out hard. So, by default, keeping and gaining muscle mass will indeed help your fat loss goals, as you know muscle speeds metabolism, etc. The last thing you want to do is lose muscle. The body is primed for what is termed supercompensation. This is a time I also take antioxidants, as they will be taken up well also. Always have a gram of C and 2-3 B complex. Even on contest diets, I still do this, and make my pwo supplementation the very last thing I mess with(reduce).
There is alot of debate on this subject, and I think the smartest thing to do is as I mentioned above, guage your pwo simple carbs to the intensity of your workout. Most all of these studies were done on endurance atheletes, so it skews what a bodybuilder needs. But, this is where intensity comes in. This guaging kind of gives the best of both worlds in my opinion, then have your normal scheduled meal.