Everyone is different, and the 1 that doesn't make me want to toss my cookies, ay be the 1 that makes you. lol
For example my boyfriend swears by Nitro-Tech, but I can not for the life of me get that down.
The ones I use the most (my a protein shake junkie, always trying new ones out) are:
allthewhey( only problem with is the last time I ordered it took them 3 weeks to get me my protein, usually it takes 3 days, something to do with customs :rollingeyes: ),
MVPnutrition protein is really good (only tried this because my friend works for the company and she gave me some free samples) but there stuff is very good.
I also am taking a casinate protein right now, but this is strictly a night time protein, because it digests slowly. It tastes gross though. lol