Well, it's been about one year since I started training.
I started in mid-June of last year, screwed around for about 2 weeks at home, then got into the gym in July. Aside from a week off for Christmas and one sick day, I've been at the gym every training day since.
From that point forward, Spatts graciously donated her time and energy to help me with my diet and train me every step of the way. Every time I move more weight than I did before, or look at progress pictures along the way, I thank her. She and I have been friends for 10 years, and I appreciate her more every day.
Now I train in Hannibal's garage/gym as a powerlifter instead of a bodybuilder, and I'm reaping the benefits of his knowledge and assistance as well.
I'm bigger, stronger, and healthier than I've ever been. And, on top of that, I can touch my toes for the first time in my life.
Neck: 15" to 16.25"
Shoulders: 44.75" to 48.75"
Chest: 39.25" to 42.75"
Thighs: 21" to 23"
Calves: 13.5" to 14.25"
Biceps: 11" to 13" (cold, not flexed)
Forearm: 10.75" to 11.75"
Weight: 164 to 191
Body Fat: 18% to 15.4%
And the pictures: