New member
Lol at vaginas and palms away overhand.
The "chinup" with palms facing is a superior exercise purely for muscular development. The lats go through a longer range and get a stronger stretch at the bottom position and you get a far more complete contraction at the top especially if you are strong enough to do a legit "sternum chinup". Anatomically you can see this if you understand how the muscles work and the ranges of motion. You also get a very solid bicep workout and considering your lats are stronger than your biceps you are likely to fatigue your lats better by putting your arms into a more favorable biomechanical positions aka chins than palms facing away "pullups".
That said pullups in real world applications tend to be more functional. If you hop up to a roof edge you are trying to essentially do a combination pullup/side leg lift into a muscle up rather than a chinup. Although if you have powerful abdominals and chinning ability and the roof line isn't slanted you can do a swinging leg raise and kinda flip yourself onto the roof which is a much more efficient method.
Anyhow I'm just nitpicking. I like both variations, but pullups are no more manlier than chinups especially when you start going into the harder chinup variants. Some of the greatest bodybuilders from the past considered the sternum chinup to be the best back exercise because when performed properly it is essentially a chinup from the start to mid-position and then transfers into a row in the final position with the body angled 45 degrees or less and the head back. I remember when I could do a strict dead hang pullup with 75lbs I could only do 6 perfect sternum chinups while being able to do roughly double those reps on strict pullups to the collarbone.
The "chinup" with palms facing is a superior exercise purely for muscular development. The lats go through a longer range and get a stronger stretch at the bottom position and you get a far more complete contraction at the top especially if you are strong enough to do a legit "sternum chinup". Anatomically you can see this if you understand how the muscles work and the ranges of motion. You also get a very solid bicep workout and considering your lats are stronger than your biceps you are likely to fatigue your lats better by putting your arms into a more favorable biomechanical positions aka chins than palms facing away "pullups".
That said pullups in real world applications tend to be more functional. If you hop up to a roof edge you are trying to essentially do a combination pullup/side leg lift into a muscle up rather than a chinup. Although if you have powerful abdominals and chinning ability and the roof line isn't slanted you can do a swinging leg raise and kinda flip yourself onto the roof which is a much more efficient method.
Anyhow I'm just nitpicking. I like both variations, but pullups are no more manlier than chinups especially when you start going into the harder chinup variants. Some of the greatest bodybuilders from the past considered the sternum chinup to be the best back exercise because when performed properly it is essentially a chinup from the start to mid-position and then transfers into a row in the final position with the body angled 45 degrees or less and the head back. I remember when I could do a strict dead hang pullup with 75lbs I could only do 6 perfect sternum chinups while being able to do roughly double those reps on strict pullups to the collarbone.