you are very immature and shallow. resorting to profanity because you dont know what you are talking about. I ask again, what is your experience? girl, dont go away mad , just go away. leave this for the vets and people that have experience with gear. Ever heard of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" you mam, are the one that appeared out of nowhere with a chip on youre shoulder and resorted to profanity when you were caught spreading b.s. I laugh at how you say "we". you are so smart and strong riding on the coattails of others, i stand alone, my logic and wit unmatched( "I Stand Alone" by GODSMACK blasting in the background). take your second grade knowledge elsewhere,you know nothing about gear. you are the rudest person on this site next to shadow. Go away.Daisy_Girl said:Not to beat a dead horse, but if you notice who started the flaming .... HE started it by "slamming" or "schooling" me.
Simply because he disagreed with my statement that ALL AAS has the potential for the same sides. He tried to claim I had no idea what I am talking about. But HE was the one being closed-minded. if you notice - SASSY also agreed with me .... because it is true. ALL STERIODS have the potential for sides. Yes, even mild ones. There is NO side-free steroid. Not one is guranteed to NOT cause sides. Does everyone get sides? NO.
HE started this with Shadow too. Yes, I swear - that is just me. I never flamed anyone nor did I call him names.
He came over here with the chip on his shoulder- and we call them like we see them. If you don't like it - see ya. There is no room here for assholes or degenerates.
Disagreement and dissention is fine. Discussion is welcome. Trying to call out Mods and VETS with this attitude is not welcome. Respect IS earned - and you sir, have no respect for the people, here - so therefore, I think you are a useless jackass.

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