Not really sure why *I* turned her off - but whatever. Her choice. *shrug*
Don't remember you specifically asking for my experience, although I do remember the negative assumptions and name-calling. Regardless.
As you asked ... In the past I have run Var (about 4 times, 2-3 different brands) ranging from 5mg up to 20mg, NPP once, Test Prop once.
LOVED Var - that stuff is awesome, but I do NOT recommend going as high as I did. I was just "testing" my upper limits. I really think 10mg is the max most women need. Only side I got was oily skin, mostly on face.
NPP - low dose, pretty short cycle. Was okay - but face broke out, and I do not break out easy. Decent gains, but overall pretty unremarkable.
Liked Test Prop overall. I ran *real* low dose, so had frequent tiny shots. Blech, that sicks. Gains were good - strength, sex drive. But got some icky pimples on my face (lower cheek) when on it. Went away as soon as I was off though.
Also tried T3 (hated it) and Clen (hated it).
Got some pics of me in the Pics of Members section - some were in the middle of a Var cycle.