ChefWide said:
i like lifterforlifes approach very much and have been reading like crazy over the last days on protein windo PWO and i am indeed changing my thoughts on PWO nutrition in a big way, thanks LFL!
Chef, I wanted to get back with you on that "approach". That article that I posted was simply for reading material, and draw what conclusions one will from it.
I personally have a few problems with it. 1st and no. 1 on my question list is the "myth" of antioxidants actually hurting pwo. This is non sensical to me, I have been researching antioxidants for the better part of the last 30 yrs., and this flies in the face of all my research. He for one does not reference it at all, instead stating something nonsensical, one paper(Childs and buddies (2001))...what kind of paper is that?
I have other problems with it also.
Anyway, if you have ever read David Barr, his style is always to "debunk" conventional wisdom. Many times he makes valid points, but this is how he is "heard". These days to have anything published, you must be different so to speak.
He lists tons of references, but if you cross reference many of them, they don't really relate to his argument.
It is also wrong to pick one study and use it. Anyone who researches knows there are always conflicting research. The defining aspect of a research paper is naturally repeatability. Meaning, if you do this again, will you get the exact same result.
A fine example is caffine in drinks research. Doing a research study on it, I found one that states that caffine in coffee, soda etc. in fact acts like a diruetic. Conventional wisdom, right? Well, I found 3 that absolutely go counter to that one!
My point is maybe don't take too much of that paper to heart.