Other than water, do you guys drink anyting before or during workout? I have drank accelerade before and it did seem to give me more energy, how about no-xplode or cytospor fast twitch, anyone feel good on these?
Omega Sports Ultima worked amazing for me. It's stim-free and you don't really notice anything at first but it's working and the effects build up over time. Strength and endurance were threw the roof while losing fat. I was having amazing workouts, didn't have one off day while on it. Can't wait for its official release in the next 2-3 weeks.
I have had good results from Twin Labs ULTRA FUEL, before and during workout. It has 100 gr. of carbs. Right after my workout I drink 50 gr. of whey isolate.
My only problem is working Intrabolics 3.2g of Beta Alanine in with my Body Octane and Clout??? That would give me almost 10g of Beta Alanine on workout days. Ouch.
btw.... BO and Clout are possibly the best performance enhancing supps I've ever used.