Hello...I am the girlfriend. I did not choose this name, my boyfriend set this account up for me.
Here is a quick rundown of what I have been doing:
Alternate 2 day on, 1 day off. Upper Body with Cardio, Lower Body with Cardio, day off.
Weights include. Upper body (db rows, lat pull down, incline bench, reg. bench, flys with cables or dumbells, shoulder press, reverse flies, front raises, lateral raises, bicep curls with bar and dumbells, tricep extensions, skull crushers and chair dips ), then lower body workout (leg press, squats, stiff deads, db lunges, calf raises, leg extensions, aduction, abduction). I do at least three exercises for each muscle group. Abs everyday I workout. Usually do the 12, 10, 8 set...I feel like I lift hard. After weights, I usually do an interval cardio workout for at least 20-45 minutes depending on how tired I am.
My bottom line goal is to lose body fat and be more ripped. Since starting this whole weight training program, I have gained almost 20 lbs! I now weigh 120 and I am 5’ 2”. I know I am not suppossed to look at the scale, but I have had to buy new clothes twice...getting expensive. Had my body fat tested in August and suppossedly it was 14 percent. I never had cellulite until this past year. Don't know if it is possible, but the more legs I do, I feel like my muscles get bigger and push my fat outward?
Lastly, went off the pill because I thought that was my problem… still have not gotten my period in almost two and half months.
Also, wondering if anyone has suggestions for how many grams of protein and calories I should be consuming to get more cut.
Thanks for your time.
To answer Daisy. I was really never out of shape. I’ve been a runner all my life, and lifted a little weight. (upper body only) My diet has never been bad, I may not have eaten frequently enough because my work schedule makes it tough. I also may have been a little shy on the protein. Lifestyle hasn’t changed to much, except for a little more work, (went from teaching jr high to high school). Health has been good. I tried Levorexin for a period, and did get a little cut, and vascular. I did cut out a lot of long distance running. I had my gyno check my thyroid just before I went off bcp, and was in range.
Boyfriends comments… Anyone that she talks to about her appearance thinks she’s crazy. She is by no means overweight, she just likes to be lean. Last year she started gaining more than she’s used to, and all efforts have not satisfied her. Staying thin was never an issue despite what she ate or did! That slowly changed, like it does for most at some point in their life! She is very muscular, and has a body type that can hold weight and still look lean. I am pretty sure she can fine tune her diet, and change up her training and get good results. I also feel that her hormones may be out of whack. If this were my body, I’d swear it was mostly water weight? I appreciate everyone help……