I need all your help because I am not sure what to do. My girlfriend wants to lose weight which I don’t mine but right now she thinks she’s fat. I mean 250 pounds fat. She only weighs about 130lbs at about 5’7 but wants to be about 110.
It took me a year to get her to start lifting weights, I think the energy I wasted trying to get her to lift weights would have been better spent on my own life, but I do care about her.
She doesn’t like lifting weights because you get that pump and it makes her feel bigger . lol
She wants to just run her ass off.
I told her it will take time before you see results but like most girls she wants to see results over night.
The big problem is, I am a very strong guy, booth mentally and physically. I find her to be extremely weak but I look at it as she s a girl and most girls are weak.
I tell myself how much I love myself, she tells herself how much she hates herself.
Its reached a point where all my friends and I say how good she looks now but she doesn’t care. She doesn’t like it.
And this is where it hurts the most, not only she doesn’t want to go out anymore or be seen at the gym, she won’t take her shirt of to have sex. And I love the way she looks and told her. And she has no desire to have sex at all.
She stopped watching simple TV shows because there will be a girl in it or in bikinis. For example WWE or Fear Factor, music videos etc.
24/7 she belittles herself, tells me how she can’t fit into anything and how everybody is looking at her because she’s fat.
Now when I met my girlfriend she was starving herself and was weighing about 106lbs, no ass and no tits. Now she’s got boobs a ass and looking better every day but hates the way she looks. Her exact words is “ I want to look slim and straight”. The only way I know you can look like that is by starving yourself.
Well theres a lot more about this insecurity issue but I think you guys get the idea.
My question is, what do you think I should do? I told her the relationship would be perfect if she dropped the insecurity crap. I know I won’t be able to take much more of this.
Any advice or help well be great.