It's not really male bashing, it's more media bashing than anything else. In fact, she even discusses how anorexia is on the rise in young men who are also being affected by the images of overly thin or cut young men on TV and in fashion mags.
And btw, one can be a feminist without hating men. I'm a feminist (NOT a femi-nazi, which is a different thing), and I love my husband and my son and my brother and my father (may he rest in peace). I even love some things about men in general, like the way y'all have soft hearts but pretend not to.
I also recognize that many men are dismissive of women, that many men objectify women (like the way some of y'all on this board call obese women "fatties" and seem to think that they deserve less than humane treatment, or the way some of you assess a woman on the shape of her breasts or ass rather than the content of her character), and that many men are threatened by an assertive, intelligent female. This doesn't mean I hate men, just that I recognize that there's a long way to go in the relationships between men and women in our culture (though not as far as in other cultures, of course). To deny that women have gotten (and continue to get) a raw deal is just buttheaded. The Beauty Myth is an attempt to describe (for the sake of changing attitudes and helping those who need it) how that raw deal has played out for women in terms of body-image.
It won't make her hate you. But it might help her love herself.