While I agree with most of whats been said here, especially all the information about taking out bad fats and replacing them with good, and cutting them back, as well as the sugars, and bad carbs - one thing I think that is being overlooked is the fact that if you are bulking to gain size, you should be getting close to 2g carbs per pound, reason being is that carbs are very essential to adding mass, and sending glucose into your blood and muscle cells, without them, in the right amount at the right time, you can have as much protein as you want but if you carbs arent in order you wont make any where near the gains you could have. Keep in mind, this is for bulking and adding mass, where you may and probably will gain some fat, but with the proper diet, and timing, you can keep that limited, then after the bulking cycle, hit up a diet that will let you keep your gains and cut the fat - an easy thing to do, if you have the right knowledge !! with that said, if you are serious about adding size and bulking up, you are much better off getting more than just 300g carbs, more like 350-375 is much better for stimulating growth, its been shown that while muscles are made up of protein cells and water, that its the carbs that will add mass and put you up in weight if that is your goal, and its carbs that will send the proper nutrients into those muscles for optimum gains. A quick side note - and thats you should take r-ala with all your carb meals to send them in quicker and avoid gaining too much unecesary fat at the same time.