OK, OK.... let's not begin a flamefest where there need not be one.
I am sorry to say this, but Smalls I am SHOCKED that you are cycling. My opinion, is just that MY OPINION. You are grown and smart. I am at least comforted by the knowledge that you DID research and have been frequenting this board.
I have read through all of the posts and I DO NOT see where luvs or hrdbdgrl or any other board member for that matter was even remotely rude. What you are going to have to learn Smalls, is that when you make controversial decisions in life you will be put in the position of having to defend your choices merely because you made them... My shrink asked me (when I complained that while I was no longer bothered by society's opinion about my dancing but that it still bothered me that I felt the need to defend myself to some that were close to me about my dancing... they are not haters, but know that I am BETTER THAN THE JOB and only want me to get out ASAP... HELLO! That is what I want too. But for the time being I don't need to hear shit about it.) why I felt the need to defend myself if
A) I felt secure with what I was doing.
B) What they were saying wasn't really going to change my mind.
In other words, I needed to realize that there will always be people that would question some of my more controversial decisions, regardless of how well-intentioned those people were. And I needed to learn if I was secure with my decisions, then I needed to let them express their opinions, thank them for their concern and change the topic.
The fact that you chose to share this information on a public discussion board means that it is open for discussion. NOT EVERYONE will give you a standing ovation for "joining the club". And that should BE OK WITH YOU. It is YOUR BODY - YOUR MONEY - YOUR LIFE - YOUR DECISION.
For what it is worth. I believe you to be bright, witty and so beautiful with so much to offer the world. But from the posts that I have seen (forgive me, if I overstep my bounds... my uterus has been stretched and I do have an affection for you) you make, I don't think that YOU realize this. No amount of external "improvement" will help you come to this realization....
Yes, I have "the perfect body" and very youthful pretty face despite my age, I am very intelligent and well-spoken and have the capacity to love without condition... I have four beautiful children that are normal and healthy, am surrounded by a few solid LOVING and SUPPORTIVE friends and a sister and bro-in-law that have bent over backwards to help me out through the crisis that I faced last year - yet a little over a month ago I was SERIOUSLY ready to walk away from it all. I was going to give my ex EVERYTHING and just get into my car and drive as far as a tank of gas would take me, then find a quiet place to wait for death.
All this wonder to live for and so much ahead of me, yet I was so filled with self-doubt and pain that I couldn't see it. All I could do was see what I DIDN'T HAVE.... funny thing, I HAD IT ALL ALONG! ALL OF IT!!!
Smalls, look within yourself and find the strength to face what you fear most.... it is the only way.
Now for the first time in my life - I AM FREE! I feel ALIVE!... like I did when I was 19. The only difference is that today I am better. Many say, "It will be nearly impossible for you to find somebody with four children." HOW STUPID A COMMENT IS THAT?! First of all, I am not looking for anyone.
I realize for the first time in my adult life that I DO NOT NEED A MAN TO COMPLETE ME.
I am making decisions for the first time in my life - FOR ME and for the benefit of my children. Secondly, why on earth would I EVER want a man who was even REMOTELY ORDINARY?!
See, when I was 19, I ONLY THOUGHT that there was nothing that I couldn't do.... now at 34, one bitter ugly divorce and four amazing little girls later -
True happiness comes from within!
Now that I have strayed waaaaaaay off topic. I think you need to believe in yourself Smalls. You would be AMAZED at what you can do if you TRULY WANT IT.
I am attaching before and after pics (forgive me if they are too big or not posted properly - I am such a computer dork). The first was taken when I was 22 - then second ten years and 4 children later. Yes, I did have a boob job and a foot of loose skin removed from my abdomen - NO A/S.
The decision to use A/S is extremely personal. There is no right and wrong. I am glad that you did take the time to research and are educated, but there are so many aspects of A/S use that you DO NOT know of.... psychological aspects - yet, they affect women TOO!
I wish you well, Smalls - I wish that there was some way that I could reach into my own heart and share with you the peace that is now there.