I'm sure this has been asked a million times but just wanted to make sure I'm on the right track with my diet, which is a 50/20/30 (prot.,carb.,fat) split. Although I know you have to consume fat to lose it, I'm a bit leary about taking in that percentage of fat. Since it's not a full-out ketogenic diet, is that fat still going to be used for energy and not stored as body fat? I could go to a 50/30/20 but I'm guessing there's not much of a difference and besides I'm getting good results so far I think.
BTW, I'm 6'2" 190 lbs. with I'd guess about 12% bf (I can see the top four abs kinda). I lift four days a week and try to do cardio 5-6 times/week. I'm taking in about 2000 calories/day which comes out to about 250g/100g/70g of prot./carb./fat. I don't do my cardio early in the morning before food, but I try to start cardio not within an hour of one of my meals to avoid just burning the food calories. Also, the calories are fairly clean and I try to take my carbs earlier in the day. An example of my diet:
Meal 1:
1 Myoplex + 1 cup 2% milk => 50g/36g/6g
Meal 2:
(130 g?) Chicken + 2 tablespoon All-nat. peanut butter => 45g/8g/16g
Meal 3:
1 Myoplex + 1 cup 2% milk + 1 tablespoon nat. pean. butter => 54g/40g/14g
Meal 4:
2 cans tuna + 1 tablespoon olive oil + 1/2 cup 2% milk => 72g/6g/16g
Meal 5:
1 scoop protein powder w/ water + 1 tablespoon olive oil => 22g/4g/14g
total: 243g/94g/66g => 1942 total calories => 972cal/376cal/594cal => ~ 50/19/31
I'm sure this has been asked a million times but just wanted to make sure I'm on the right track with my diet, which is a 50/20/30 (prot.,carb.,fat) split. Although I know you have to consume fat to lose it, I'm a bit leary about taking in that percentage of fat. Since it's not a full-out ketogenic diet, is that fat still going to be used for energy and not stored as body fat? I could go to a 50/30/20 but I'm guessing there's not much of a difference and besides I'm getting good results so far I think.
BTW, I'm 6'2" 190 lbs. with I'd guess about 12% bf (I can see the top four abs kinda). I lift four days a week and try to do cardio 5-6 times/week. I'm taking in about 2000 calories/day which comes out to about 250g/100g/70g of prot./carb./fat. I don't do my cardio early in the morning before food, but I try to start cardio not within an hour of one of my meals to avoid just burning the food calories. Also, the calories are fairly clean and I try to take my carbs earlier in the day. An example of my diet:
Meal 1:
1 Myoplex + 1 cup 2% milk => 50g/36g/6g
Meal 2:
(130 g?) Chicken + 2 tablespoon All-nat. peanut butter => 45g/8g/16g
Meal 3:
1 Myoplex + 1 cup 2% milk + 1 tablespoon nat. pean. butter => 54g/40g/14g
Meal 4:
2 cans tuna + 1 tablespoon olive oil + 1/2 cup 2% milk => 72g/6g/16g
Meal 5:
1 scoop protein powder w/ water + 1 tablespoon olive oil => 22g/4g/14g
total: 243g/94g/66g => 1942 total calories => 972cal/376cal/594cal => ~ 50/19/31