Need a new training split for cardio & weights. I did the M&F Rock Hard Challenge, doing the 4 week challenge now. Once done, need some new ideas. Any suggestions?
Goal is 18% body fat & increased muscle mass. Of course what else? LOL
I like having a routine to follow cuz then I tend to stick with it more. The RHC was a push day, pull day, legs day. The 4 week is more a body combination thing. Just looking for something different to try.
Are you looking for a completely different training split, or different exercises within your current split? Or are you looking for a completely different training methodology?
You may want to check out the sticky on the training board with some of the different methodologies, and let us know if any of them interest you.
Well, I've been following a program from a magazine for the last 4 months & I like being on a program, just wanted something different to do, but am not sure how to create my own split, one that would be effective.