So....does anyone remember this really cute, very muscular (yeah right), highly excitable but extremely motivated southern belle (ok, redneck) named sweettea? Well...she's back.....(start really dramatic and horrific theme music.)
Can I just say it felt so good to go to the EF site a few minutes ago? Felt like I was coming back home!
First of all, so so sorry for disappearing. Y'all have been in my thoughts every day for the past 3 weeks. Hope everyone is doing well. I will be, slowly, checking everyone's posts/logs and cheering you on.
Well school started and my world ended. Well for 3 weeks. First 3 weeks of school consisted of Listening to 7-8 hours of lecture every day and then goin home to study all night because we were tested on all of the material the next day. We had to pass each week to be able to move on to the next week. So for 3 weeks I've been like a zombie...getting home at 6:00 pm and grabbing something to eat and then studying all night. Few hours of sleep a night for me. On the weekends I have practically hibernated. I literally slept all day yesterday. Good news is that I passed and I've moved on to clinicals. So fairly normal now. I was 'warned' that the first 3 months were hellish and if you made it thru these that it got alot easier. So no telling what the next few months hold for me but it can't be nearly as bad as the past 3.
So thats my story. So very glad to be back. Going to work out tonight and can't be more excited about it. I'll post up tonight.
So Zeddie..remember me?

. Sorry brutha. I have basically had 1 month off. Sucks I know. Should I go another month or so on my lifts as I was doing previously? I know when we last spoke you wanted me to do my 3 best (something like that)...should we probably put that on hold for now and keep going? What are your thoughts? If I don't hear from you before I go lifting tonight then I'll just do my push exercises.
How's everyone doing!!?? Missed my EF family!!!! Muah!!!