Sorry zed..sorry. My schooling is tough right is trying to get into a new routine. The first 3 weeks of my program is classroom time where we have tests every day. This week is physics week. So we get lectured all day and then have a big test the next day..for next 3 I'm going from 8:30-5:30 and then come home and take enough break to eat and then I start studying. Still eating and lifting. Sorry..I haven't even done my assignment from you last week. Worked out all last week but didn't do the 3 max rep. Promise to do that this week and get it to ya.
Don't give up on me.

lease be as patient as you've always been with me!! Much love to y'all. Know I've been Missin y'all!!
Hey D and Cali..and cutie pie...thanks for the well wishes. Hows yalls liftin and goals coming? Excited for you and your journeys this year. All 3 of ya!!
I'll be back after I study and workout.