Yep..I mite go missing for a day or so on here but I'm still here in spirit and still workin out!! . Crazy few days. So I did pull exercises on wed met con on Thursday and legs today. I'll type them and post them up tomorrow! Also going to go for a walk tomorrow. Everything is going good except my diet. It's been crappy this week! I'm just starving! Been pulling a snipes and eating everything I can get my hands on!!
Ha! Yea I definitely have the Internet!! That and a gym
Membership is a must!
Already taken care of!! Lol!
I'm debating when I'll classes start jan 9 so I'm trying to decide if I will move at Christmas (when I go home) or if I will wait until the 1st. Need to decide pretty soon. My house is a wreck. I'm packin and going through things deciding what can stay and what can go. Looks like a bomb has gone off!
How's my clone doing? How's your healing coming along? Was bummed to hear about that!!
Thanks zed! I'm definitely not goin to let y'all down on my workouts! Matter of fact it's become an issue..I'll actually do my workouts before I get to some other stuff and it makes certain people mad!!
Oh well!! I say I deserve an hour in the gym! We all do!! So the workouts will def be done!! . Thanks again zed!!
Yeah Zeds right chic you just do the best you can I'm sure you'll be fine,
I'm good today thanks just finished work glad to get in and get warmed up it's freezing out there lol.
My elbow pains calmed right down so hopefully if I go the right way bout it I should be fit to train mon well I hope anyway. Thanks for checking in on me buddy.