Legion Kreinak
New member
Well, I read that article the other day, posted by DJRAZR. The one that talks about havings an upper/lower body division, doing a maximal day, and an explosive day, as well as endurance training between to maximize recovery and endurance gains. It seems like a good program, as all three branches of strength are being exercised. Maybe I'm just falling into another hole of something that seems too good to be true. You guys tell me.
My only problem here is designing the actual exercises for the routine. The routine would look something like:
Sunday: Off
Monday: Maximal Torso (Chest/Back/Shoulders)
Tuesday: Explosive Legs & Arms (Bis, Tris, Quads, Hams, Calves)
Wednesday: Off (Endurance/AB training)
Thursday: Explosive Torso (Chest/Back/Shoulders)
Friday: Maximal Legs & Arms (Bis, Tris, Quads, Hams, Calves)
Saturday: Off (Endurance/AB training)
My only problem here is designing the actual exercises for the routine. The routine would look something like:
Sunday: Off
Monday: Maximal Torso (Chest/Back/Shoulders)
Tuesday: Explosive Legs & Arms (Bis, Tris, Quads, Hams, Calves)
Wednesday: Off (Endurance/AB training)
Thursday: Explosive Torso (Chest/Back/Shoulders)
Friday: Maximal Legs & Arms (Bis, Tris, Quads, Hams, Calves)
Saturday: Off (Endurance/AB training)