New member
I'm actually looking at running this moderately small dose of test I'm on for upwards of 24 weeks. That's half a year. Of course I have been on close to this long in the past and had no trouble coming off with basic pct, but the point is I am being honest with myself.
Imho Glad, you are not actually in pct until you come off the dbol. That means if you do 4 weeks pct to get you to normal and then go back you really didn't do any pct. Ideally when you come off the dbol you run the pct 4 weeks and then chill for another 2 months or so to really let your body stabilize again.
I'm actually in greater favor of longer cycles, but run maybe once a year rather than 3 smaller cycles a year, but everyone recovers differently.
Just something to keep in mind bro.
Imho Glad, you are not actually in pct until you come off the dbol. That means if you do 4 weeks pct to get you to normal and then go back you really didn't do any pct. Ideally when you come off the dbol you run the pct 4 weeks and then chill for another 2 months or so to really let your body stabilize again.
I'm actually in greater favor of longer cycles, but run maybe once a year rather than 3 smaller cycles a year, but everyone recovers differently.
Just something to keep in mind bro.